Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014

Cara muda mengganti icon folder (Easy way to change folder icon)

Hallo all !! \(^__^)/

Hari ini saya mau beri tahu cara mengganti icon folder! Ayo mulai:
(Today I want to tell you how to change folder icon!) Let's begin:
Oya, kalian tau gak apa itu Icon folder? 
(anyway, do you know what is folder icon?) 
Kalau gak tau, saya kasih tau deh! Saya kan baik hati dan tidak sombong! kekeke~ ^_^
(If you dont know what is it, I'll tell you, cause I kind and not arrogant! kekeke~) ^_^ 
Folder icon itu, kayak gini nih:
(Icon folder is like this:)

Kalian pasti bosan kan lihat folder yang polos kayak gitu aja?
(You guys must be bored just see a plain folder like that?)
Kalian bisa download icon'a dulu di sini nih:
(you can download it first here:)

Atau (or)


Caranya (how to download it) :
  1. Buka alamat web tsb, dan klik download di sebelah kanan'a! (First, open the website, and klik download in right side!)
  2. Setelah ter-download, buka di tempat "Downloads" dan klik "Extract here" kaya gini: (After that, open the "Downloads" folder and click "Extract here" like this:)
  3. Udah deh! (Finish!)
  • Sekarang tinggal di ganti deh icon'a jadi kayak yang di sebelahnya tuh !! :D (now we just need to change it like others! :D)
  • Klik kanan di folder yang ingin di ganti icon'a! (click right button on your mouse to which folder you want to change the icon!)
  • Kemudian akan muncul pilihan kayak gini, dan klik ''properties" (Then, a choice will come out like this, and klik "properties")

  • Setelah itu, akan muncul jendela baru kayak gini lagi, pilih "Customize" ya! (After that new window will show again, and klik "customize"!) 
  • Kemudian klik "Change Icon" (Then, click "change icon"!)
  • Setelah itu, klik "browse" dan buka di folder "Download" kamu, dan klik 2x icon yang kamu mau! (After that, click "browse" and open in "Download" folder, and double click your icon!"

  • Terakhir, klik apply! dan jadi deh! :) (Finally, click apply! and finsihed!) :)
Sekian dari saya, semoga bermanfaat untuk semua'a !! :D 
Oya, kalau mau COPAS, TOLONG SETAKAN NAMA BLOG INI  ya !! :)
(Just this from me, I wish you guys enjoy it !! :D 
Anyway, if you want to do COPY & PASTE, PLEASE WRITE THIS BLOG'S NAME TOO !! :) )

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